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Affiliate Ads Pricing

April 5, 2024

What are the fees for affiliate Ads on Adbay?

  • 2.8% Adbay commission: We take a small percentage of the total sales amount generated by affiliate Ads.
  • +$1 per affiliate sale: We also charge a flat fee of $1 per successful affiliate sale.

Example: when a customer buys a product for $100 through an affiliate Ads, Adbay will collect:

  • 2.8% of $100 = $2.8: Adbay commission
  • +$1: Adbay flat fee

Total commission: Affiliate Commission + $3.8

Why does the Adbay charge a commission?

The Adbay commission helps us maintain and continually improve Adbay. It covers the costs of:

  • Running the platform
  • Providing customer support
  • Investing in marketing and growth
  • Developing new features

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