Adbay’s plan

Adbay's mission is to make digital advertising open and valuable for all.

Today's digital advertising landscape, much like the internet itself is controlled by a few companies that have created walled gardens. The days when the internet promised to democratize value creation are kind of long gone. We may be connected, but the internet is far from open.

However, the future looks bright, as Adbay believes blockchain technology unlocks the next generation internet – one that is decentralized and open, away from closed platforms. This new internet allows creators to retain most of the value they create, with fairer revenue models and more profits going directly to creators. It's an internet that puts digital ownership back in the hands of people and creators. This ideal is now closer to reality – a more equitable ecosystem for the digital age.

Many call this new internet Web3. And Adbay is building the Web3 Ad marketplace for this new world.

At first, Adbay may seem like a traditional marketplace, connecting advertisers with publishers to help promote their products and services, grow revenues and business. However, it's built on blockchain and open internet principles:

Ownership: Advertisers and creators own the ads, data, and partnerships, minted on the blockchain.

Decentralized: Ads are tokenized on the blockchain, creating a transparent, decentralized ad marketplace.

Digital assets: Ads are now assets. This unlocks lasting value for creators, as they can now grow an ad business they own and control.

Low fees: Creators retain most of the value they create, unlike traditional networks.

Empowering Creators

Our goal is simple: let people win. We want advertisers to grow their business through ads, and creators to monetize their content and audience through advertising – all while retaining control and ownership. This win-win situation, which Adbay unlocks, allows for everyone to create lasting value and ultimately better business for all.

How We're Going to Do It

1. Build a Web3 Ad marketplace to make advertising open and valuable.

2. Empower business and creators through digital ownership and value creation.

We look forward to working for you.

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